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UPCC Names Apprentice of the Year

(HARRIS, Mich.) – The Upper Peninsula Construction Council held its annual Apprentice of the Year banquet at the Island Resort and Casino on Saturday to recognize outstanding apprentices in the construction industry. 

Fred Magdaleno of Carpenters Local 1510 was named Apprentice of the Year from a field of 18 apprentices nominated for the title. Eric Soderman of UA Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 111 and Samuel Burgess of IBEW Local 906 were named finalists. The winner receives a $1,000 cash prize, and finalists receive $500. 

About 270 people attended the event, where Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson, who has announced his intention to run for governor, was the guest speaker.

"The Apprentice of the Year banquet celebrates the next generation of skilled trades professionals who are shaping the future of our industry,” said UPCC Executive Director Mike Smith. “These apprentices have demonstrated exceptional leadership, dedication, and craftsmanship, and we are proud to recognize their hard work. Congratulations to Fred Magdaleno, our 2024 Apprentice of the Year, and to the finalists Eric Soderman and Samuel Burgess, and all the nominees who represent the very best of the trades." 

The winners are: 

2024 Apprentice of the Year –  Fred Magdaleno – Carpenters Local 1510

Fred began his apprenticeship in May of 2020 and is projected to complete in February of 2025. He leads by example and is known to work safely, effectively, and efficiently. Fred has a thirst for knowledge and commitment to achievement, he has learned much during his apprenticeship and looks forward to achieving foreman and superintendent status.

2024 Finalist – Eric Soderman – UA Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 111

Eric began his apprenticeship in October of 2021 and is expected to complete in October of 2026. He is respected by his peers as a leader who will take time to help them with skills they are struggling with. He is passionate about his craft and hopes to one day teach the next generation of apprentices the standards of excellence he has been taught by the many great people in the trades.

2024 Finalist – Samuel Burgess – IBEW Local 906

Sam began his apprenticeship in late 2020 and is expected to complete in early 2025. He is passionate about his craft and is known as a leader amongst his peers. Sam is currently the president of IBEW 906 Renew Committee and hopes one day to educate the next generation of electrical workers.  

The selection panel was composed of Don Maki, Lead Judge; Mike Andary, Assistant Professor, TAS Construction; Management Northern Michigan University; Michael Fornetti, Retired, Mead/WE Energies; Stan Kaczmarek, President, Gundlach Champion; Ryan Stern, Staff Representative, Michigan Building Trades; and Pam Versailles, Health & Safety Director, Billerud Escanaba.

Sponsors of the event included: B&B Electrical Contractors, Billerud, Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 2, CR Meyer, Enbridge, IBEW Local 906, JP Electric Professionals, Laborers Local 1329, Lakehead Construction Inc, MI Building & Construction Trades Council, MI Carpenters JATC, Miron, MJ Electric, Payne + Dolan Inc, Prime Specialty Contracting, Sheet Metal Workers Local 7, SMACNA, UA Plumbers & Pipefitters JATC, UP Plumbers & Pipefitters Joint Mech Fund, UP Mechanical Contractors, and Workforce Development Institute.

Winners photo caption: Lt-Rt Representative Dave Prestin, Eric Soderman Finalist UA Local 111, Fred Magdaleno Apprentice of the Year Carpenters Local 1510, Sam Burgess Finalist IBEW Local 906, Senator Ed McBroom

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