UPCC and MBTC receive Excellence in Practice award from Michigan Department of Education

The Upper Peninsula Construction Council and Michigan Building Trades Council outreach initiative has been selected as a winner of the state’s 2024 Career and Technical Education Excellence in Practice Award.
In recognition of the achievement, a special awards ceremony was held at the 2024 Michigan Career Education Conference on Jan. 29 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids.The UPCC and MBTC have helped create and foster outreach programs for grades 8 - 12 across the U.P. to help students make educated choices about life after high school.
In collaboration with CTE programs, they have coordinated Skilled Trades Career Days, Construction Connect U.P., the UPCC Building Trades Summer Camp, UP Skills Challenge, and guest speakers about careers in the trades at multiple schools as well as career fairs with crews of tradespeople and contractors representing the industry.A letter from Brian L. Pyles, director of the Office of CTE in the Michigan Department of Education, states: “Your program exemplifies the highest standards in preparing Michigan’s students for postsecondary education and careers. I commend you for your valuable contribution and your vision, expertise, and teamwork in creating and sustaining such an exemplary practice in career education.”
UPCC Executive Director Mike Smith said these programs would not be possible without the support of the signatory union contractors, trades, UP MIWorks, and the Michigan Workforce Development Institute.“And a big thank you to the U.P. CTE directors for their partnership, which positively impacts students in our communities,” Smith said. “We look forward to building capacity and continuing to create innovative programs.”
MBTC’s Ryan Stern added: “The coordination between UPCC and MBTC has expanded opportunities for students to become fully educated on the range of lucrative careers available to them after high school.”CTE directors and districts included in the award:
Trent Bellinger - Director of CTE for Delta Schoolcraft ISD
Michael Mulligan - Director of CTE for Dickenson Iron ISD
Erich Zeigler - Director of CTE for Marquette Alger RESA
Ashley Nevins - Director of CTE for Gogebic Ontonagon ISD
Corey Soumis - Director of CTE for Copper Country ISD